Friday, December 3, 2010

shoes judging method.

are you a mocassins type, or a hi-top chuck taylor type ?
are you a doc marteens type, or a running shoes type ?
or are you as easy as those people who choose flip-flops, and go bare feet if you could ?

people judge others by their cover. I judge pople by their shoes. Yes, your shoes. Because i think shoes never lies.

"Bok, sepatunya dia apaan?"
"Mana gue tau. Mana gue perhatiiin. Ga ada kali orang pas kenalan ngeliatin sepatu."
"Oh emang ngga ya? kok gue iya sih?"
"Freak lo ah. Emang apa yang lo bisa lihat dari sepatu orang ?"
"banyak hal kali. Seleranya, gaya hidupnya...."
"ini apa sih, merknya maksudnya. Gila lo ah, brand minded."
"Ngga gituuu. Bentuknya, modelnya, bersih enggak nya... Sepatu itu menggambarkan perjalanan lo. Sesuatu yang lo anggap nyaman untuk menemani langkah lo, sesuatu yang lo percayai untuk memeluk kaki lo dalam porsi yang lo butuhkan, sesuatu yang lo yakin bisa menjadi teman sepadan outfit lo."
"Serius lo ah. Gila! Gimana sih taunya? Pas salaman lo nunduk? Atau ngintip ke kolong meja"
"I don't know. I just know."

in some other people mind, i'm just sick.
yes, i'm sick. I'm sick judging people by their last names, handshake, or smile. They all could be artificial. I'm sick of people tendencies not to judge by cover, just to do something fair. it's too naive. because at the end, if you had a first impression on someone you've just met, thats your standard talking. and putting someone at your very own shoes is just a different kind of unfair
judgemental behaviour.

shoes aren't just cover. shoes comfort you, lead your way, to whatever you're aiming for. They should be honest.


  1. hidup converse !!!!!!

    *agak jarang make converse ni skrg, sigh...

  2. weh. udah ganti gaya nih. jd metroseksual nih pasti ;P
