Monday, January 18, 2010


Posting ini hanya untuk memastikan, anak-anak saya (di masa depan) mempunyai nama seperti yang sudah saya rencanakan. Tidak bernama Budi-Wati seperti di buku Bahasa Indonesia, atau Meghan-Steve, seperti nama-nama artis baru, yang sudah pasti nama samaran.

Nama anak-anak saya adalah : Adia & Aidan


taken from one of a heartwarming number from Sarah Maclahlan, "Adia". It's a calming song, I want my baby girl grow up calm, and be the coolest girl in town and the warmest girl in heart. And remember, it should pronounced as Sarah sing the song : Ei-di-ya.


named after Carrie Bradshaw's almost-true-love boyfriend, Aidan Shaw. He's warm, nice, and such a gentleman. I want my baby boy to grow up just like Aidan. It's also pronounced Ei-den, just like the perfect heaven people all looking for. And by the way, why not Big, Carrie Bradshaw's true love ? Simple, I don't want my baby boy, grow up like some kind of immature womanizer.


dedicated to my future baby girl and baby boy.
And yes, i'd prefer two children only.


  1. detta likes this..
    tapi nama suami lo ntar siapa? ga boleh menerka-nerka ya? :p

  2. namanya detta...hahaha...ngocol lu ah...mananya gue tauuu....!!!
