Sunday, December 18, 2011

it's like, suddenly i'm able to see you perfectly.

....everytime i hear this song.



"If you think you're ready, I will lead you now  
To a field where it's buried, somewhere underground  
All good things in time, I know we'll be fine   
Buried underneath, you are all I see, 
you are all I see, you are all I see
All good things in time, I know we'll be fine  
Buried underneath, you are all I see, 
you are all I see, you are all I see"---Active Child, on: 'You Are All I See'

Saturday, December 10, 2011

insanely romantic.

Sebuah pertanyaan terlontar : "Kita sudah gila ya, sayang?"

Saya tertawa. Buat saya, itu pertanyaan paling romantis yang pernah diucapkan seseorang. Karena pertanyaan itu gila. Dan saya suka menjadi gila. Apalagi tidak sendirian.

"Well, i think we have passed that phase. Now is the time to maintain the thoughts, and stay insane, baby..."



"We spent some time
together walking
Spent some time just talking
about who we were
You held my hand so
very tightly
And told me what we
could be dreaming of

There’s nothing like you and I
There’s nothing like you and I
So why do I even try?
---The Perishers, on : 'Nothing Like You and I'

birthday : a day with the word 'birth' in front of it.

Being 21 was suck. Everybody didn't count you as an adult.
Being 24 even worse. Everybody told you to grow up, while you didn't want to.
What should i say about being 25, i still don't know. But, it surely started with a buzz that i less expected and a lot of positive energy.


Thank you family members, friends, and colleagues. Without all of you, for me, birthday is just another day.

[photos : @vanlim_]